Product Discovery

In the digital world, creating quality software is only the first step. Many new features and products do not achieve the expected success in the market. This process helps you decide what to build and for whom, ensuring that your product actually solves a problem.


Why is Product Discovery important?

Betting everything on an MVP or end product can be costly and overdue. Adopting a continuous discovery mindset gives you a competitive advantage and can save you millions. It is critical to spend more effort on discovery than delivery.

Our Approach

At GlobalUY, we have a proven methodology for Product Discovery, divided into four stages:


Research & Analyze

- We understand the problem
- We research the market
- We build a product strategy
- We define the profile of your users


Wireframe & Sketch

- We explore potential solutions, focusing on functionality and information architecture.
- Validate user experience and interaction with the product



- We design the look & feel
- Validate the user interface and the workflow
- We apply your brand's style guides


Product Backlog

- Create a prioritized list of requirements
- Estimate costs and plan development

Benefits of Product Discovery


It allows you to better understand the value of your product, delivering more value for the same budget by prioritizing requirements appropriately.

It also facilitates the discovery of new opportunities and ideas, and helps identify and address risks at an early stage of development.

We can insert ourselves at any stage of a project's lifecycle and provide the necessary input. From the time there is an idea to the time a user is happy with your product, and even after, there are many pieces needed to make the software work, and we know how to do them.

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angularflutterdjangojavaionicawsdockermiscrosoft sqlnestnodejsmysqlphpmongodbazurepostgresqlrailsreactpython
angularflutterdjangojavaionicawsdockermiscrosoft sqlnestnodejsmysqlphpmongodbazurepostgresqlrailsreactpython
angularflutterdjangojavaionicawsdockermiscrosoft sqlnestnodejsmysqlphpmongodbazurepostgresqlrailsreactpython


Our clients have something to say

“We have been working with GlobalUY since 2019 and highly recommend their work and professional services. They have proven to be a valuable technology partner for us and a great support in challenging times for us such as the COVID-19 pandemic. We highly value their professionalism, dedication and sense of partnership with which they have joined Doctari, which has brought very good results for both parties.”

Rodrigo Alvez
Co-founder & CTO, Doctari

“We have been working with GlobalUY for more than 3 years and I can only give good comments about the service provided. They accompany you throughout the creative process, production and support, managing to capture perfectly what one requires. Thanks to GlobalUY we have a functional, robust and easy to use application, which adds a lot of value to the operation. They are an excellent team of professionals who are always willing to help and transmit their passion for what they do”.

Benjamin Rees
Key Account Manager, TPS

“For more than a year we have been working with GlobalUY on an ongoing basis, with them we carried out a project to have a used car listing application. GlobalUY developed with great professionalism from the beginning: the diagram that the APP would require, each field we would demand, and the interaction with the sales team to evaluate their needs. Once ready for testing, the application worked well from the start and, since then, it has been running successfully and we receive monthly performance reports, which is key to our success.”

Martín Perez
Manager Mercedes, Benz Cars

"GlobalUY has been an important strategic partner for Smooth Fusion for many years. They take the time to understand our needs and tailor their services to align with our goals. We appreciate their responsiveness and their commitment to operating a sound and ethical business. I have recommended them to others multiple times."

Todd Knowlton
CEO, Smooth Fusion