Mobile and web application for medical teleconsultations

DOCTARI is a team of experts in healthcare, technology, management, communication and finance that seeks to improve the quality and reach of healthcare by connecting patients, physicians and institutions.


Through its platform and its team of professionals, they contribute to improving the experience between patients, physicians and institutions, and to adopting a more efficient care model. This makes it possible to improve the allocation of medical and financial resources and expand the range of services offered to non-affiliates.

DOCTARI allows the user to talk to a doctor or specialist through excellent virtual care by accessing from anywhere, whether they need a private consultation or a second medical opinion.

It is a secure and easy-to-use platform on any device and allows information sharing, including clinical studies. It allows health professionals to freely practice their profession, accessing new patients. It offers users the possibility of consulting a specialized physician whenever they need to, without having to travel.

Its immediacy and simplicity provide support and containment to the person and their family when they need it.

At the institutional level, Doctari created a comprehensive platform that allows you to interact with your patients in a convenient and simple way, promoting patient retention and providing an additional channel of medical care. It integrates face-to-face and remote care, improving quality and reach.